The news of Avijit Roy's brutal murder in Bangladesh stunned me, took away all my words for last few days. I knew Avijit from the early days of discussion forums and blogs, had good exchanges of ideas and debate with him from time to time. Last few years I've lost the contact with this man of profound curiosity and genuine outlook to understand our common humanity and existence. The murder of this immensely talented writer by the thugs, whose identity still remain unknown even though there were many security cameras pointing toward the exact spot where he was struck from behind amplifying the cowardice killers' heartless method once more, even allegedly only a short distance from Bangladeshi law enforcement folks who just looked on while the killers assaulted Avijit and his wife in front of many other onlookers. No one came forward to help them. No one screamed and showed compassion for a human being who had in his relatively short lifetime always stepped forward to pr