
Showing posts from August, 2017

A Bangla Instrumental Music - Ei Mukhorito Jiboner Cholar Bake

An instrumental music I've recorded today, it's a popular song by Souls, a musical band from Bangladesh.   Here is the lyrics in Bangla: এই মুখরিত জীবনের চলার বাঁকে অজানা হাজার কত কাজের ভিড়ে ছোট্টবেলার শত রঙ করা মুখ সুর তোলে আজও এই মনকে ঘিরে। ঝিনুক শামুকে ভরা বালুর চরে ঢেউয়ের সাথে নেচেছি, রঙ্গিন স্বপ্নে গাঁথা স্মৃতির মালা সৈকতে ফেলে এসেছি। ওরে ছুটে চল সেই সাগরো তীরে ওরে খুঁজে নেই চল, ফেলে আসা মুক্ত হীরে। রাত্রিতে জোসনায় দাওয়ায় বসে মজার গল্প কত শুনেছি, ডুলো ডুলো আখিতে আবীর মেখে স্বপ্নের জ্বাল বুনেছি ওরে সেইতো ভালো চোখ দুটো বুঝেছিল ওরে সেইতো ভালো সবকিছু ভুলেছিলে। Here is my translation of this song in English but not poetic as the original song is: In the curved path of this busy life Amid all the unknown thousands of mundane work Hundreds of colorful faces from childhood Tune the melody surrounding my mind. In the beach filled with oyster shells I danced with the waves Memory garland of colorful dream I left at the beach Hey, let's go

Think Like Einstein by Peter Hollins - a Book Review

When 2017 began, I made a resolution that I would read more books this year than the previous year. So much distraction these days! Endless applications, Facebook, Instagram, news from every corner of the globe, forums of any kind -- where is the time to read good quality books? From my childhood I have always liked reading but noticed that I have been reading less and less in recent years. So that was the reason I made the resolution to give an honest effort to read more. As part of this effort, the latest book I have completed reading earlier this morning is Peter Hollins' non fiction book, title: Think Like Einstein. I am writing this review as detail as I can, hoping that someone will get some benefits reading this review and hopefully will be inspired to read this particular book and overall to read more good quality books for rewarding feat. Einstein's intellect is legendary. His contributions to the realm of science is widely known, even when I was growing up I

The Caine Mutiny - a short review

A great entertaining novel by a powerful writer. Character building and the story plot were nicely executed. Sometimes it felt a bit too long but in the end I have enjoyed reading this book. Through vivid detail of tumultuous ocean, typhoon, the writer provided a sense of how insignificant humanity and civilization are in the face of a infinitesimal nature. Here is a memorable quote: "what was Ulithi, after all? A tiny enclosure of coral in the empty, empty ocean. A ship sailing within ten miles of it wouldn’t even have seen it; and all the great Third Fleet, sinking at once, would not have raised the level of the sea by a thousandth of the breadth of a hair. The world’s arena remains, to this hour, somewhat too big for the most ambitious human contrivances." I recommend this book.

We are the Borg - a Poem

We are the Borg Resistance is futile You will be assimilated, defeated Your uniqueness, distinctiveness and your pursuit of happiness, life, liberty and dreams will be shredded into clean pieces and will be recycled into our mould Resistance is futile We are the Borg We have come in style To bring you freedom and wealth, abundance We will flourish together Discarding the undesirables Only the best of the best Strongest of the strongest Will triumph over the weak We will swipe away the compassionate freak We are the Borg, the mighty, the beautiful Give us your smart, vigorous pomp We will stifle the wretched, the tired, the poor and the huddled masses into happiest quack, playful romp And send us the homeless We will transform them into statues of liberties, of beautiful homes for all to see and applause in glorious days and victorious nights Beside the neatly trimmed garden. the golden door and a doused torch ----Mahbubul Karim (Sohel) August 2, 20