
Showing posts from November, 2016

Bangladesh, Shelter the Persecuted Rohingyans

When Bangladeshi men, women and children fled from their homeland in 1971 during the time of horrible war, neighbours helped them with open arms. People in West Bengal, Tripura, Meghalaya and Asham went beyond their means welcoming Bangladeshi refugees, sheltered them, gave them food, clothes and overall they provided the persecuted refugees protection from the wrath of the war. In 21st century, the recent misfortunes of the persecuted Rohinguya people from Myanmar, is not well reported, as other bigger conflicts from the geopolitically volatile regions get the limelight, overshadowing the tears, agonies and anguish of the bereft Rohinguya families. Bangladesh was born from the ashes of the war, from the pain and millions of innocent people's deaths in intense nine months war. It is time for Bangladesh comes forward with open arms and accept all the persecuted people from Rohingya. Yes, economically it will not be an easy task, most noble and compassionate undertaking are diffi

American Choice

Election day in America is only few days away. It's Sunday night and the election is on Tuesday. The entire world looks to be on the edge. I have followed all the American elections from the beginning of my political consciousness and also was fortunate to take two rigorous American History and two American Government courses while studying at American universities. The intense debates between the right and the left, and the festive atmosphere of the campaigns, stump speeches, endless news analysis, these are all part of this intriguing election process. In 21st century, like its predecessor 20th century, America is still looked upon as the beacon of hope in most parts of our wold. When subjugated people in severely autocratic ruled nation march in protest filled processions, many look upon American style of freedom of speech, representational democracy and its allure of modernity and a nation based on tolerance and decency. Yes, nothing is perfect in this world, not is Americ