

By Mahbubul Karim (Sohel)

August 11, 2006

You may call it whatever you like. You may just ignore it at your own peril or convenience. But the fact of the matter is that we are in the middle of a rupturing cynicism. Day by day our patience are thinning out, our tolerance level toward opposing views and culture are reaching threshold point, and sooner or later there will be commotion beyond our worst imaginable dream that can forewarn.

You may agree or not, there are clever methods in action, from groups of vehemence, who wants to create sharp and deep wedges between different ethnic groups and cultures. Palpable but quite not tangible essence of being caught up in a growing whirlwind that will surely suck in all the frivolity of life.

These are depressing words. These are depressing times.

A world where brute might and violence rule over peaceful means cannot be impressively positive.

A world where a mother has to prove that the milk of her baby will not blow up an airplane must be sickening.

A world where shredded bone fragments and dense red blood of innocence barely ruffle our sensitivity is sadistic.

You may call it whatever you like. You may just keep watching daytime soaps in the afternoon, jeopardy in the evening, and entertainment news at late night. But the fact remains that the spinning of truth, stretching of reality into favorable shape and form suitable for one’s own taste and benefits, are growing, fold by fold, diameter by diameter.

Who to believe? Who to trust?

You turn on the evening news. Parade of “evil doers” marching on, dancing on in their charismatic move while the commercial advertisements of various products showing off the goodness of buying into glum. Your head feels dizzy seeing and hearing the baloney punditry. Your yearns for simplicity of candor are easily depleted by repetitive bombardments of crafted fallacy.

You feel fear is gripping hold of your senses. Your heart is pumping fast and louder. The sharpened gaze of your friends bounces back from your warmed up skin.

You dwell in ensnared trepidation.
