The Inside Drama Behind The Time's Warrantless Wiretapping Story

"the episode was critical in reflecting the media's shifting attitudes toward matters of national security—from believing the government to believing it less."
Comparing to only a few years before, media apparently is raising more unpalatable questions, some of these questions would have been considered perhaps treasonous in fear gripped nation. Slowly, but surely, craftily placed fog of fear has started to fading away, and through the clear daylight, truth that may be unpleasant, have only begun to stir from willful suppression and political fabrication. Here is an article taken from a recently published book discusses the pull and push from opposing forces of ideologies, one is for keeping the status quo of contemporary fear-mongering intact, and the other for preserving freedom of press that has been brutally thwarted in frenzied days of pre-fascism. The battle is far from over.

Click here to read Slate's article.
