Rest in Peace - Poem

Rest in Peace
By Mahbubul Karim (Sohel)
June 25, 2009

Neda, rest in peace.
Michael Jackson, rest in peace.
Farah Fawcett, rest in peace.
Ali Akbar Khan, rest in peace.
Ed Mcmahon, rest in peace.

Rest in peace
In tranquil unknown of hollow “seventh” sky
Or heaven
Where bullets or bombs do not strike the innocents
Moon like crescents
And sun of oblivion
Dangle in wrangling flare
In other dimensional singularity

Deaths do us apart
From world of nostalgia
And horror
Too specific
Too corroding
To sing or muse
For brick by brick laid out
And choreographed abuse
From hellish junta
And diffused freedom
Neatly branded
As grail holy

Holy moly!

“Beat It” like it is the end
“Beat It” like “Time to Pretend”
Rest in Peace
In wholesome, glorious abyss
