Mud -- a Poem


By Mahbubul Karim (Sohel)
Summer 2005

Mix of Sun and cloud
today's weather
So defiant, so proud
thunder chatter

You walk under hot sun
cloudless sky raging blue
not a bird in sight
boorish road splashing hue

Here, the world is quiet
a lazy day of summer
wind blows now and then
one or two Ford or Hummer
rushes by green traffic light
and empty parking lot
while homeless and hermits
gawk at colorful plot

Thank God or Devil we are not there
where flesh ripped off bones
innocence vaporized in fiery flare
and dreads for more blood hones
under yearning retribution
eye for an eye, blood for blood
no end in sight for this illusion
world is covered with irresolute mud!
